March 22, 2019 Bible Study — Preparing For the Large Battles By Fighting the Small Ones

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 7-8.

One thing I never thought about before is that the battle described in today’s passage is clearly not Gideon’s first battle against Israel’s oppressors.  Based on the conversation which Gideon overheard in the Midianite camp, the Midianites were clearly aware of him as a military leader.  In addition, it suggests that they were aware that he had gathered an army to fight against them.  By overlooking how this story indicates that Gideon worked his way up to this battle, we often discourage people from doing the hard work that is necessary to accomplish great things.  The Bible does not tell us about the smaller battles which Gideon fought, but it lets us know that they happened.  We must work our ways through the smaller battles before we are ready for the big one.  

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