June 8, 2020 Bible Study Seeking To Be Honored for the Sake of Being Honored Will Lead To Downfall

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Esther 4-7.

It seems like everyone recognizes that the Book of Esther makes the point that God has put us into the situation we are in in order to fulfill His purpose.  And further that if we decline to take the risks which allow us to fulfill the role God has given us, He will accomplish those purposes in another way, but we will not benefit from His purpose.

However, I found another lesson in today’s passage which I have never heard anyone comment on.  Haman brought his fate upon himself because of his arrogance and pride.  We see how Haman started down a road to humiliation and death because he was unwilling to accept that others did not honor him.  Rather than doing things worthy of being honored because they should be done, he assumed that he was deserving of honor and sought ways to receive even greater honor.  I noted on this read through that we have not only the evidence of what Haman did, but how others reacted to him.  In yesterday’s passage, Haman became aware that Mordecai did not bow to him because other members of the court brought it to his attention.  Today, when the king turned on Haman, members of the court quickly pointed out the pole he had constructed intending to impale Mordecai upon it.

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