June 5, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Nehemiah 9-10.

    At the beginning of the month the people had gathered to study the Law and to celebrate the Festival of Shelters. At that time, the leaders had insisted that it was a celebration and that the people should not mourn for their failure to follow the law. At the end of the month, the people assembled once more. This time they gathered to fast and mourn for their sins and their failure to be faithful. In their prayer they recounted all of the things which God had done for their ancestors and their ancestors repeated failure to remain faithful. The key here is NOT that they were responsible for their ancestors sins and needed to confess them. The key here is that they acknowledged the human condition. That we, as humans, sin time and time again. That God will forgive us and give us second, and third, and fourth, opportunities to obey His commands. It is by following God’s commands and regulations that we find life and happiness. Failing to follow God’s commands and regulations leads to sorrow and suffering. God does not promise that if we follow His commands and regulations that we will not face suffering, but He does promise that we will find joy. He, also, promises that if we do not follow His commands and regulations that we will face suffering and sorrow.

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