June 30, 2020 Bible Study God’s Truth Is the Only Truth

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 82-89.

Throughout history God calls on rulers to give justice to the poor and the powerless, to uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute.  When rulers heed God’s call, their society has prospered.  Yet, also throughout history rulers have time and again failed to do so, have instead been the oppressors.  When the latter happens people conspire against God’s people, both the descendants of Jacob and those who serve His Son.  They seek to wipe them out completely, but fail every time.  Such things happen when God’s people stray to far from Him.

So, let us cry out to God to restore us once more to His favor.  Let us pray that he teach us His ways so that we may know His truth and live by it.  Each and every one of us needs to remember that there is A truth and that truth is God’s truth.  We live in a society which is determined to convince us that there is no truth, or that there are multiple truths: that the truth is different for everyone.

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