June 30, 2017 Bible Study — Serving The Lord To Serve The Lord, Not For Any Other Gain

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 82-89.

    I truly believe that the first of today’s psalms is addressed to rulers and government officials, especially those who believe that their position makes them superior to others. God has commissioned those in government, whether they acknowledge Him or not, to give justice, especially to the poor and powerless. God has appointed them to deliver the poor and the helpless from evil people. However, all too often, rather than fulfill their commission they join with the oppressors. However, in due time, they will discover that they are just like everyone else and they too shall die. They shall face God’s judgment and He will hold them to account for failing to carry out the task which He gave them.

    The other psalm I am going to focus your attention on today is Psalms 84. The psalmist expresses his desire to be with God, to live in God’s house. I will echo the psalmist and say that I would rather be the lowliest servant in God’s presence than the ruler of the entire earth, with all the pleasures possible at my finger tips. I will trust in God because He will deliver true joy. I said that I was going to limit myself to these two psalms, but my thoughts on Psalms 84 lead me right into Psalms 86. In particular Psalms 86:11

Teach me your ways, O Lord,
that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
so that I may honor you.

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