June 29, 2019 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 78-81.

Today’s psalms describe the suffering which the people of Israel experienced because they did not faithfully follow God’s commands.  The first psalm starts by describing how God rescued the Israelites from Egypt, how He provided them with water in the desert.  Yet despite God providing them with water they did not believe He could provide them with food.  How often do we do the same thing?  God miraculously meets one of our needs, then, a short time later, we refuse to trust Him to provide for another one of our needs.  After experiencing His great blessings, we question His power to help us again.

Further on in that first psalm I am reminded of the Holocaust and the establishment of the modern nation of Israel.  Each of these psalms reminds us that we will suffer when we turn from God, but that God is prepared to forgive us and rescue us if we turn our hearts once more to Him.  One of the great points in these psalms comes when the psalmist cries out to God requesting that He turn the people back to Him.  Let that be our prayer, that God would fill us with His Spirit and turn us to Him so that we might do His will.

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