June 28, 2016 Bible Study — Do Not Envy the Wicked

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 72-77.

    Psalm 72 gives us an outline of what we should pray for our government and government authorities. We should pray that they have God’s love of justice, that they defend the poor and the powerless. A government which acts according to the outline given will last and will be remembered favorably. When our government is not such a government it is easy to become envious of the proudly wicked, those to whom everything seems to come easily who have no thoughts but for their own desires. However, if we allow ourselves to do so we will become bitter and torn up inside. The wicked may have everything their heart desires on this earth, but when God brings that time to an end they will have nothing. However, those who desire God more than anything on earth will have the eternal joy of being with Him.


    God will bring His judgment against the wicked of this earth at the time He has prepared. In the meantime, when it seems like the good times are in my past and suffering is all I can expect in the future, I will remember the great things God has done and that He has promised to do similar things in the future. I will proclaim God’s glory and praise His name, even when times are hard. The treasures of the wicked will be handed over to those who serve God when the time that God has chosen comes.

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