June 27, 2019 Bible Study — I Pray That God Makes Me a Positive Example To Others

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 68-71.

Today’s psalms appear to have been written by someone suffering from depression and/or overwhelmed by their life circumstances.  I do not generally experience the sort of trial which the psalmist was experiencing here, which makes it difficult for me to connect with most of what he writes here.  However there are some things scattered throughout these psalms which do connect for me.  As a note, this is another of those times where what I write will be in the order it came to me, not the order it appears in the passage.

As I said, I do not often suffer the level of sadness described by the psalmist here.  But I saw something of the sort of person I want to be, and don’t want to be, in what the psalmist wrote.  He wished that one person would show him pity, would turn and comfort him.  I pray that no one of my acquaintance ever feels themselves in the same position.  I want to comfort those who need comfort and show pity to those who need it.  I hope that I never hurl insults which break someone’s heart, or even bruise it.  I wish for God to transform me into his image, into the image of the one Who is Father to the fatherless, defender of widows, and Who puts the lonely into a family.  I pray that God make me an example to all who witness my actions.  No, that is not quite right.  I know that God will make me an example.  I pray that He transforms me into an example of one who shows His love to those around them.

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