June 25, 2020 Bible Study True Threats Come From Within

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 52-59.

The psalmist warns us that the real danger for any group, city, or nation is not outside invaders.  No, the real danger is wickedness within.  Sooner or later, every group, city, or nation will have to face the wickedness that it has allowed to infiltrate it.  Sometimes those infiltrators were once dedicated to the good and true.  Our problems and terrors do not come from outsiders, they come from our own failure to faithfully obey God.  If we trust in God, we need not be afraid.  Yes, when we stand up and declare our trust in Him, we will be hounded and slandered by those who refuse to accept His will.  Nevertheless, we must remember that no mortal can bring harm to us that God does not allow.  Our enemies may set a trap for us, but if we keep our eyes on God and do as He directs, it is they who will fall into the traps.  The psalmist calls on God not to end the lives of those who attack him for evil reasons.  Instead he calls on God to let them live defeated so that they and others can learn from God’s judgement upon them.

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