June 23, 2020 Bible Study When In Despair, Cry Out To God and Praise His Name

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 38-44.

Today’s psalms have a common theme.  In each the psalmist is suffering from depression to one degree or another.  To some degree his depression in each is a product of some other suffering.  In some of these psalms he responds to his suffering by confessing and repenting of his sins.  In all of them his response to his suffering is to cry out to God and to praise God.  From this we learn that the first step to overcoming depression is to praise God.  I am always hesitant to speak on this because I have never suffered from clinical depression, but I will still offer these psalms as a remedy to those so suffering.  It may not be a complete remedy, but it contains a guide which will set one on the path to recovery.  The psalmist advises us to cry out to God in our suffering and to patiently wait for Him to act.  As the psalmist said previously, repent of your sins, if you can not think of any sins which you have committed, ask God to show you what you need to change.  The psalmist makes it clear in today’s passage that suffering does not necessarily mean that we have sinned, but we should still examine our lives for sin.  Once we have examined our lives for sin, we should review the times when He has acted to redeem us from hardship.  Throughout all of this honor God and sing praises to Him.  Finally, continue to cry out to God, trusting that He will hear and answer your cries for relief.  Do not let the Accuser convince you that God will not, cannot, hear your cry.

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