June 23, 2018 Bible Study — Put Your Faith In God and Joy Will Come

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 38-44.

    The first of today’s psalms, Psalm 38, is a counterpoint to the Book of Job; sometimes we suffer because of our sins. Of course, today’s set of psalms ends with one which supports the point of the Book of Job, that sometimes our suffering is from no fault of our own. In either case, the psalmist tells us confess our sins, for all of us have sinned whether that causes us suffering or not, and wait patiently for God. If we put our confidence in Him, He will give us joy. God does not desire offerings; He wants us to do His will. And in Psalm 41, he tells us what is God’s will: that we be kind to the poor. In Matthew 25 Jesus tells the story of the sheep and the goats which gives us a little more detail about God’s will for us.

    I am not going to write about all of the things which these psalms cover, but I really want to talk about Psalm 43. The psalmist is feeling sad and unhappy, put upon. He remembers being happy, but feels like that has all gone away. I think that we have all felt that way at some point in our lives. He identifies what was different about the good times from “now”. During the good times he walked among a crowd of people praising and worshiping God. Now God feels distant. Then comes the insight. It was not God who changed, it was himself. He will once again put his trust in God, worshiping and praising Him. The psalmist is expressing the same thought as in Psalm 34 where he said, “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Sometimes we need to move forward in faith in order to experience the joy that comes from obeying God. Singing joyful songs praising God will often bring us joy, even if we were sad when we began to sing.

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