June 22, 2021 Bible Study –Taste And See That God Is Good

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Psalms 32-37.

Psalm 32 tells us that those whose sins are forgiven are truly blessed.  The psalmist follows that up bu reminding us that in order for our sins to be forgiven we must acknowledge those sins and confess them to God.  This is very closely related to one of my favorite verses about faith is in this set of psalms. Psalms 34:8 “Taste and see that the Lord is good.”  It really sums up what we need to do to know God, to know that He exists and is as wonderful as those who put their faith in Him say that He is.  We cannot truly know that God exists, we cannot witness the evidence for His existence until we admit that we have sinned and choose to follow His commands.  In Psalm 36 the psalmist tells us that the wicked are unable to detect their own sins.  This should strike close to home if we think that we are better than others.  Perhaps we think we are better than those others because we are too proud, and too wicked, to see our own sins.

Acknowledge your sins, your failures, your wickedness, confess those sins to God, repent of those sins, turn from your wickedness and do good, and taste the wonderfulness of God’s forgiveness.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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