June 21, 2020 Bible Study The Earth And Everything In It Belongs To God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 23-31.

I could write an entire entry on Psalm 23, but there is so much more here and most people are at least somewhat familiar with it.  So, I am going to focus on the rest of the psalms in today’s passage.  There is a set of themes which run through all of these psalms.  The earth, and everything in it (including all of its people) belongs to God.  This means that all of the things of this earth and the people dwelling in it should be treated with respect and dignity.  Because we belong to Him, God will show us the path which we should follow.  If we seek the truth, which is His truth, God will teach us how to follow that path.  Then, if we follow that path and learn from His teaching, God will forgive our sins, our failings, and will not allow us to be disgraced.  If we stay near to Him, His light will drive away all darkness so that we will not need to fear anything.

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