June 18, 2016 Bible Study — Start The Day By Praising God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I just noticed how my approach to writing these studies changes over time. Sometimes I write about the message I see in the passage. Sometimes I write a summary of what the passage contains. Sometimes I write about how the passage inspires me. And sometimes my writing follows some other line of thought.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 1-9.

    I have never read these psalms as a single devotion before. When I first read through them this morning they seemed a jumble with no coherent theme, but then I re-read them. I did not exactly find a theme. I did, however, find a thread which ran through them. In the first psalm we are reminded to not take the advice of the wicked, or spend all of our time with sinners. In the second psalm, we are warned that we will be unable to succeed in rebellion against God. All of our actions will serve God’s purposes whether we choose to do so or not. The third psalm reminds us that it is never futile to trust in God. It may seem that all hope is lost, but if we put our faith in God He will not fail us.


    Psalms four tells us that God will protect our reputations, if we control ourselves when we get angry. Rather than respond at once when angered, let us stay in control of ourselves and avoid sinning by allowing our anger to cool before we act. Psalms five instructs us to bring our requests to God in the morning and wait for Him to reply. If we start our days by meditating on God’s words, bringing our petitions before Him, and listening for His reply, God will lead us in the right path. Psalms six instructs us to throw ourselves upon God’s mercy when we suffer and to grieve over the sins we have committed.


    Psalms seven calls on everyone to repent of their sins, warning us that God will bring justice to those who continue in their sin. Psalms eight tells us to see God’s great majesty and power in the universe around us. When we look at what God has made we cannot help but be awed by His power and majesty. Psalms nine calls on us to praise God and remember that He will bring justice for the oppressed.


    When I started writing this today, I had an idea about how I would express my thoughts. The actual writing did not come out as I had thought that it would. However, there are two things which come out of this for me. First, I need to strive to start my days in prayer and praise, not just reading the scripture. Second, I need to strive harder to allow my anger to cool before I respond to those around me, whether with words or with action.

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