July 9, 2018 Bible Study — It Is Hard To Be Depressed When You Are Praising God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 143-150.

    I have always felt that the Psalms contain directions on overcoming depression. Today’s set is certainly such a prescription. I will not say that there are not those for whom more is needed to overcome depression, but I will say that today’s psalms contain the starting point even for them. So, what is the psalmist’s prescription for depression? Step one: Cry to God for mercy and confess your sinfulness to Him. Ask God to save you from despair and to show you what you should do. Seek to do as God directs and ask Him to teach you to do His will. Meditate on the mighty miracles He has performed in the past and trust that He will do more in the future.

    The next step is to recognize that God will train you in the skills which you need to do to do His will. Yes, we mortals are mere nothings in the scope of the Universe, where God counts and knows each and every star. Yet He loves us deeply and sincerely. Which brings us to a key portion of the psalmist’s prescription: praise God. It is hard to be depressed when you are singing praises to God. Praise God morning, noon, and night. Praise Him with all of your being and to all who may hear you. Share your faith with others. Telling them what God has done for you.

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