July 8, 2018 Bible Study — God’s Faithful Love Endures Forever

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 136-142.

    Every time I read Psalm 136 I hear it as a responsive reading in my head. Sometimes I hear a single voice read out the primary words with a crowd reading, “His faithful love endures forever.” Sometimes I hear it reversed. But every time it strikes me as a powerful worship experience. Let us give thanks to God because He is good.

    Then in Psalm 139 the psalmist tells us that God knows our every need, better than we do ourselves. He knows everything we do and every aspect of our being. God knows our every action, and our every thought. He knows every word we are going to speak before we even begin to formulate the thoughts behind them. God has overseen the minutest details of our existence from the moment we were conceived in our mother’s womb. There are two sides to this. There is no place we can go to hide our actions from God. No matter where we go God can see us. The other side of that is that there is no place we can end up where God cannot come to us and care for us. We cannot hide from God, nor can we be hidden from God.

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