July 5, 2016 Bible Study — This Is the Day the Lord Has Made

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 117-118.

    I was initially going to title today’s blog “God’s Faithful Love Endures Forever.” That would have fit today’s passage, but as I was reading today’s psalms for the third time* the words I actually chose for the title felt like the true summation of this passage. No matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we should praise the Lord. His love is faithful and will endure forever. Today is the day that God has made. No matter how bad it may seem to us, everything about it will serve to bring glory to God, and good to those who love Him. In this psalm the psalmist talks about the stone which the builders rejected becoming the cornerstone. This is a reference to Jesus, but it is also a reference to how human leaders reject a key element of God’s will as they make their plans. Time and again those who wish to create Utopia on this earth start their plan by rejecting one or more of God’s laws. As a result their plans fail and God is shown once more to be victorious. I want to touch on one thing the psalmist says that we must never forget:

The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear.
What can mere people do to me?

Let us never forget that if we serve God, nothing can happen to us that is not His will. And we know that it is His will that all things work together for good for those who love Him.


    I wanted to point out how many parts of Psalm 118 are either the inspiration of songs or are re-statements of thoughts which are inspirations for songs. Obviously, there is my title, “This Is the Day the Lord Has Made”. There is, also, “The Lord Is My Strength and Song” (I believe there are a couple of other songs using this). Then there is “Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His faithful love endures forever.” I am not going to link to these because there are so many and the examples I most readily find are still copyrighted.

*How many times I re-read the passage each day depends on how long it takes to get my thoughts together. Some days, I can read the passage once and start writing, only going back to read again to get the sentences (or paragraphs) to come out right. Other days, I have to read the passage again and again to find something to write (my failing, not the passage’s). Today was in between. I knew the basic thought I wanted to write about from the very first read through (God’s faithful love endures forever), but it took me several readings to get the words to start.

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