July 4, 2018 Bible Study — The Wicked Slander Those Who Serve The Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 108-116.

    Do you share the psalmist’s confidence in God? If so, you will praise Him with all of your heart. Let us praise God among both those who also praise Him and among those who reject Him. Human help will fail us unless God helps us as well. If we continue to praise the Lord and obey His commands, the wicked will slander us. They will accuse us of persecuting the poor and needy, and hounding the depressed, even though such things are not true. If we continue to faithfully call on God in the face of such false accusations, He will humble our enemies and save us from those who condemn us.

    Those who fear the fear the Lord and obey His commands will be joyful. Despite the slanders against them, they are generous, compassionate, and righteous. Unlike the idols worshiped by others our God is in the heavens and does as He wishes. God is not limited to a specific geographic area, not even one as broad as the entire earth. As I read the psalmist’s description of the idols worshiped by many, it occurred to me how well that description fits the idols of the modern age. Many people today put their trust in non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or bureaucracies. These groups have ears (the ears of the people who work for them), but do not listen. They have eyes (the eyes of the people who work for them), but they do not see. And while those organizations do speak in a way through their spokespeople, what they say is mostly lies. If we put our trust in the Lord He will hear our cries for help and richly bless us. This means we will be able to praise the Lord both now and forever.

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