July 28, 2016 Bible Study — How Hard Is It To Understand the Bible?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 29-31.

    The prophet tells us that people will insist that the instructions God has given us in the Bible are too hard to understand. Those with an extensive biblical education will claim that the writer’s true meaning is a mystery. Those without a biblical education will claim they cannot understand the writer’s meaning because they lack that education. These are people who claim to belong to God, but rather than read the Bible to see what God has to say, they make up rules which please themselves. We see such people in the Church today. There are those who read the Bible and say that it does not mean what it clearly states. There are those who do not read the Bible because it is “too hard to understand,” when what they really mean is that it tells them to act differently than the way they wish.


    Despite all of the voices who tell us that it is too hard to understand what God really wants from us, that we need them to interpret His will for us, the prophet tells us that God Himself will speak to us and tell us the path to follow. If we go to Him and ask for His help, He will show us love and compassion. We will hear His voice speaking in our ears telling us which way to go, and not just in generalities. If we willingly listen, God will tell us each and every turn we should make. Even in adversity and suffering God will be there teaching us how to follow His law.

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