July 27, 2028 Bible Study — Without Truth, Justice, And Righteousness Society Will Crumble

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 26-28.  I want to note for any of you who come to this from the links that I post on social media sites (FaceBook, Gab.com, and MeWe. com) that I will be going on vacation from July 31-August 9 and may not be able to post my links to those sites during that time.  I will, however have written the blogs for those dates and scheduled them to be posted.  So, please continue to visit my site to read my daily devotional.

Once again as I begin to write I am not sure how the things I want to write about will tie together.  Isaiah begins today’s passage by telling us that God will provide a safe place for those who steadfastly put their trust in Him.  He will keep them in perfect peace.  However, all too often we rest in that peace He gives us and fail to bring God’s salvation to others on this earth.  It is important that we bring God’s message of salvation to the people we love who have not heard it because God is going to punish the people of the earth for their sins.

Which brings me to what Isaiah wrote in chapter 28.  When people do not truly listen to God’s commands, those commands become “Do this, don’t do that.”  People begin to see them as a bunch of rules to be followed instead of being about loving God and others.  Some people even think they have found loopholes which allow them to mistreat others because the “rules” do not specify that what they are doing is wrong.  Then they come to the point where they believe that they can protect themselves with lies and falsehood.  We have come to that point in our society.  Many powerful people (and many not-so-powerful people) have decided that truth can be whatever they say it is and if they can prevent people from hearing anything different, it will become the truth.  Isaiah has a warning for them.  God has established the truth.  Those who think that they can replace God’s truth with their own will discover it swept aside when the scourge of God’s judgement sweeps through.  They have built their mansions and fortresses on sand and when the storm of God’s judgement arrive they will be swept away.  Perhaps a better analogy would be the hillsides of Southern California. God has laid a solid stone of truth for us to build upon and given us justice and righteousness to use as the tools to build upon it.

Which brings us back to the first part of this blog: put your trust in God’s truth, measure your life with justice,  and line it up with righteousness .  This is going longer than I usually want, but I think this is important.  A lot of people today speak about the importance of justice, but they do not see the other two parts that must be present.  You must start with truth.  You cannot build a just society on a lie.  However, justice built on truth is not enough.  A stable society (even one of a group which associate together voluntarily) must be lined up with righteousness.  I do not feel like I have worded this quite right, but I trust that if you read the passage the Holy Spirit will show you what I am trying to say (or, perhaps, what I should be trying to say).




I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

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