July 26, 2016 Bible Study — Eat, Drink, and Be Merry?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 22-25.

    I am having trouble putting into words what the beginning of this passage means to me. The prophet is warning those whose first response in times of trouble is to prepare their defenses and gather their resources. They prepare to take their stand, believing that if only they make the proper preparations they can deal with whatever comes their way. They do not turn to God and call on Him for aid. Rather than mourn for the sins which brought them to this place and express remorse, they say “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.” Every time I hear that phrase used I wonder if the person using it realizes that it originates from this passage telling us that is the wrong response? Isaiah even follows that up with a specific example of someone who was more caught up in their “legacy” than in doing the job from which that legacy would come. The message here is that if we spend our time building our legacy rather than doing the job which God has given us, God will throw us down and give someone else the opportunity.


    I am not sure what the message is here from the prophecy against Tyre, but I will tell you what I read from it. Earlier the prophet had spoken of the fall of military powers. Here he tells us that economic power will not stand against God’s judgment either. Neither strength nor wealth will protect us when God brings judgment against our sins. Those who oppress the poor, either with their military might or their economic power, will face God’s judgment. There is more to this than just God’ vengeance against those who do not obey His laws. There is a message which the environmentalists will love. One result of disobeying God’s command is that the entire earth suffers. However those who survive God’s judgment will praise Him. These things do not happen by accident and God has planned them long in advance. If we trust in God He will save us.

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