July 25, 2016 Bible Study — God’s Judgment Will Come To All, Not Just the Powerful

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 17-21.

    I am not sure what to write about this passage. The problem I have today is one I run into from time to time as I read through the Bible. I read a passage and it seems to have much the same message as the one I wrote about the passage from the day before. However, as I think about it I do have something to add to what I wrote yesterday. Something which could be read from yesterday’s passage, but which stands out stronger today. When God brings His judgment against the wicked nations of this world that judgment will not just pour out against the superpowers of the world. This judgment will come because people refuse to turn to God.


    God has given plenty to the people of this world and they have turned from Him. God will allow the natural results of such action to happen and when people are once more desperate they will call out to God and beg Him to save them. When they do so, God will be faithful and answer their prayers. We forget that there was a time when the people of Egypt called upon Israel’s God. They will do so once again. As will the people of many other nations.

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