July 23, 2018 Bible Study — People Who Walk In Darkness Will See A Great Light

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 9-12.

    Much of today’s passage is a proclamation of hope in the coming Messiah. When Isaiah speaks of the people who walk in darkness seeing a great light he is referring not just to when Jesus walked the earth. He is referring to the times throughout history when society has forgotten God. This prophecy gives me hope for our society today. So many people today are walking in darkness, but God will reveal Himself once more and they will see His light. Perhaps I am being called to facilitate that revelation, perhaps you are.

    However, the revelation of that light will come with the pouring out of God’s judgment. He will cut off the head and the tail of society. He will do so because wickedness and hypocrisy has spread to all parts of society. The political and religious leaders have become wicked and hypocritical. The common members of society have joined in the wickedness. Even the poor and oppressed seek to take advantage of their fellows. Isaiah makes it clear that while God will bring judgment against such people, their wicked behavior will start the fire which consumes them.

    God will use the wicked to bring judgment upon the wicked. But then the arrogance and pride of those God used will turn against them. They will believe their rise is a result of their own power and their pride will consume them. In that day, those who are faithful to the Lord, who put their trust in God rather than man, will rejoice. Christ will rule in the land and the people will express His love everywhere.

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