July 23, 2016 Bible Study — The Once and Future King

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 9-12.

    This passage contains some prophecies which have been, rightly in my mind, applied to Jesus. But there is more here than we usually take out of it. Yes, the government will (does) rest on Jesus’ shoulders and all of the names given apply to Him. He does rule with justice and fairness and His peace will never end. Under Jesus’ rule the predator will peacefully co-exist with the prey. Jesus brings peace to the earth. All of this is true both for the future and for now.


    But, with all of those positive thins, there is still a lot of judgment in this passage as well. I think we often overlook how God’s judgment is sandwiched in the middle of these prophecies of peace and prosperity. The prophet warns us about both political leaders and religious leaders will teach us to act against God’s will, to seek our own selfish desires ahead of what God desires for us. They are wicked hypocrites, but it is not just the leaders who are hypocrites. The people are full of hypocrisy. They claim to be concerned for those less fortunate, but all they are really looking for is what is in it for them. They speak foolishness and proclaim themselves wise. God is going to bring His judgment against them.

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