July 22, 2016 Bible Study — Here I Am. Send Me

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 5-8.

    The prophet condemns those who buy up real estate so that those without wealth struggle to find a place to live and those who throw grand parties. He tells us that they never think about God, nor pay attention to His actions. They expend their energy on pleasure while oppressing the poor. Rather than act righteously, they stir up violence. Great sorrow is coming for those who say that evil is good and good is evil. God has given us resources to use for justice and righteousness. If we instead use them for our own pleasure while oppressing others and engaging in violence (or encouraging others to do so) we will suffer God’s judgment.


    God is calling for messengers to take His message to the sinners of this world. He is calling us to call people to repentance. Before we can answer that call we need to acknowledge to ourselves, to God, and to our fellow man that we are sinners, that we are no better than those to whom God is sending us. It is up to us to step forward and volunteer to do God’s will. When He calls for someone to go, will I, will you, step forward and say, “Here I am. Send me!”? Isaiah warns us that most of the people we are sent to call will refuse to hear our message or see the signs God gives them. They will refuse to understand. But those who do listen, who do see, who do understand will turn to God and He will heal them.

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