July 21, 2018 Bible Study — The Wicked Will Bring Judgement Upon Themselves

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 1-4.

    Isaiah starts off by calling the people of Jerusalem and Judah evil and corrupt. This was despite them offering the correct sacrifices and burnt offerings. IT was despite them keeping the rituals and ceremonies and festivals prescribed by God’s Laws. They had followed all of the superficial commands to the letter, but had failed to do that which God counted as important. They did not do good and seek justice. Isaiah’s condemnation is not unique to the people of ancient Judah. All too often we get caught up in the ceremonies and rituals of serving God and think that they cover over our mistreatment of our fellow man.

    The prophet offers both warning and hope. He warns that God’s judgement will pour our over those who continue to sin. Those who continue to worship idols, things that they themselves have made, will face suffering as God pours out His judgement. God will humble the proud and bring down the exalted. Those who seek to put themselves in God’s place will discover that they do not have the strength or wisdom to survive there. However, those who humble themselves and recognize God’s sovereignty will be raised up. God will wipe away the sins of those who seek to do His will. The wicked are doomed. Their own actions will lead to their destruction. Those who put their trust in human agency will suffer. But those who put their trust in God, those who beg His Spirit to make them behave in a godly fashion, will receive the reward they have earned.

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