July 21, 2016 Bible Study — Learn To Do Good, Seek Justice

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 1-4.

    In today’s troubled world the only hope to stem the tide of destruction and chaos is if people turn to God. However, sacrifices, offerings and worship services are not going to do the trick. No, each and every one of us needs to learn to good, to seek justice, and to help the oppressed. Our sins are like red blood staining the whole fabric of our being. However, if we obey God He will bleach them out of us completely. If we allow God to teach us His ways, and follow them once He has so taught us, God will mediate between nations. If we want peace in this world we must bow down before God and do His will. Then, and only then, will nation no longer fight against nation.


    If we do not as a people turn from our sins and obey God, if we continue to worship the things we have made, God will bring judgment against our nation. He will bring down the proud and humiliate them. When I read this passage it paints a scary picture of what is coming. There is, however, some hope within it. Isaiah tells us on God’s behalf that all will be well for the godly. It is the wicked who are doomed and will get what they deserve. I want to be careful here because we need to be careful not to gloat in the idea that the wicked will be punished. We need to recognize that our very being is stained with sin and we need God to wash us clean, and not just on the outside, we need Him to scrub us thoroughly. As importantly, we need to call on the wicked around us to join us in this bath which God is giving us. We are not receiving this cleansing because we are better, more deserving people than they are. If we fail to forgive them and love them enough to call them to God’s redemption, we will join them in suffering their fate.

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