July 20, 2019 Bible Study — Sexual Love Is A Beautiful Gift From God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Song of Solomon 1-8.

I never quite understand how the “story” in the beginning of the Song of Solomon fits in with the “story” of the rest of the Book.  I understand that the entire thing is a love song between a young man and a young woman, but I do not quite understand how the young woman’s inability to care for herself at the beginning connects with her beauty as described later.  I know that at least part of that is a result of cultural differences between myself and the author.  That being said the Song does a great job of conveying the progression of loving relationship between a man and a woman.

One theme which runs throughout much of the Song is the repeated warning not to awaken love before its time.  Since I first noticed this in the Song I have taken it to be warning to keep the sexual aspect of the relationship in check until the relationship truly blooms.  The Song tells us that sexuality between a man and a woman is beautiful and good, but this phrase, repeated multiple times, reminds us that sex must be kept to its appropriate place in marriage between a man and a woman.  The Song also reminds us that sexual love should be a private thing between a husband and wife, something not shared with others.

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