July 20, 2016 Bible Study — Sex and Marriage

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Song of Solomon 1-8.

    Where to go with this. I know that much of what I get out of the Song of Solomon comes from my own experiences, but I believe that the writer would agree with my conclusions (feel free to tell me I am wrong). The first point is noncontroversial. This book reminds us that God made us sexual beings and the attraction between a man and a woman being consummated in the marriage bed is not a bad thing. In fact it is something to be celebrated.


    From my personal experience I learned that when one is looking for a wife, if the sexual attraction you feel for the woman you are dating does not make it next to impossible for you to remain chaste when the two of you are in private together, move on. Perhaps I m reading too much into this passage and my own experience, but I believe that is part of what the Song of Solomon teaches us. Clearly, the two lovers portrayed here are such lovers. I want to point out that such attraction is not sufficient, but I believe that it is necessary. I know that I dated women to whom I did not feel that level of attraction and those relationships just kind of faded out. I, also, know that I chose not to date several women for whom I felt that level of attraction because I did not want to end up married to them (looking back, I am convinced that I chose wisely in most, if not all, of those cases). However, my wife was a woman for whom I felt that level of attraction and THAT choice turned out to be one of the best of my life.

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