July 2, 2020 Bible Study Make a Joyful Noise to the Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 98-104.

The psalmist calls on us to sing to the Lord, to joyfully praise Him.  The New Living Translation translates verse 6 of Psalms 98 as saying, “Make a joyful symphony before the Lord, the King!”  I much prefer the way the King James Version translates it, “make a joyful noise before the Lord, the King.”  I prefer the latter because that is much closer to what others hear when I sing.  The psalmist is inclusive in his call to praise.  He calls for everyone and every nation to praise God.  He calls for everyone on earth to praise the Lord with gladness because of God’s justice.

After calling on everyone and everything to praise the Lord, the psalmist makes a personal commitment.  He promises to not only praise the Lord, but to refuse to look on anything vile or vulgar.  How much better off would we all be if we did the same?  He vowed that going forward he would seek out faithful people to be his companions.  I want to note that the context makes clear that he meant faithful to the Lord, not just faithful to himself.  As we seek to praise the Lord, let us separate ourselves from those who deceive and lie.  I will choose to associate with those who will encourage me to praise and serve God with all that I am.

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