July 2, 2016 Bible Study — Let All That I Am Praise the Lord…Let All That IS Praise the Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 98-104.

    These psalms fill me with joy as they call on us to sing God’s praises and exalt His name. God has revealed His righteousness to everyone. There are no excuses for not knowing that God is righteous and that He acts with justice. He made us and all that is. We did not make ourselves, nor did this Universe come into existence on its own. I will joyfully thank God as I enter into His presence. I am going to break my thread for a moment. When I first read this it inspired joy throughout my whole being. In order to find something to write, I returned to the beginning and began to write my thoughts as I read through it a second time (actually a third time). When I came to Psalm 101, I realized that it was a primer on how we can truly praise God. I think I may have done this before, but it is worth doing again.

  • Lead a life of integrity, even when no one is watching.
  • The psalmist actually says lead a life of integrity in your own home. That means don’t present one front to the outside world and a different one to your family.

  • Refuse to look at ANYTHING vile or vulgar
  • I think this one may be especially hard for us today in our society, considering what our society puts out for general consumption in movies and on TV.

  • Have nothing to do with those who deal crookedly
  • It is all too easy to look the other way when your business partner, or co-worker, does something dishonest that brings you (or me) benefit.

  • Reject perverse ideas and stay away from evil
  • This one goes with refusing to look at anything vile or vulgar.

  • Do not tolerate those who slander others
  • The key thing about slander is that it is untrue, but we should be careful to confront those who say things they do not KNOW are true (unless, of course, we KNOW they are true)

  • Seek out those who are faithful as our companions.
  • This last is probably the most important element for truly praising God. It is by associating with those who also seek to praise and serve God that we will avoid doing wrong and, more importantly, know and do what is right.

    It is by following the above instructions that we can truly praise God with all that we are, with our whole hearts. It is by seeking out godly associates and allowing them to influence our thoughts and behaviors that we can ensure that we will never forget the good things God does for us.

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