July 19, 2019 Bible Study — Everything Seems Meaningless, But God Will Judge Our Actions

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ecclesiastes 7-12.

Today’s passage consists of many separate thoughts on life and wisdom which make it hard to write about a single theme.  However, I am going to try to link them together in a kind of theme.  We will see if I can pull it off.  The writer tells us that everything is meaningless, yet advises certain courses of action.  Since no one always does good and never sins, we should not destroy ourselves trying to always be good and always be wise.  Of course, that does not mean that it is OK to be wicked and foolish.  Seek to do what is good and wise, but do not belittle yourself when you fail in this. 

From there the writer turns his focus slightly.  As we look at the world around us we will see wicked people who succeed by our standards, and good people who suffer.  Nevertheless, those who fear God are better off for doing so and those who are wicked will not truly prosper.  Even though he knows this is true, we will see good people treated as if they are wicked and wicked people treated as if they are good.  So, we should have fun, eat, drink, and enjoy ourselves. 

The writer concludes by telling us to remember to fear and obey God.  He reminds us to remember our Creator while we have the strength to serve Him.  We should seek to do God’s will, but enjoy ourselves while doing so.  Seek God’s will, but do not allow yourself to believe that you do no wrong.  And as said by others, moderation in all things, including moderation.  In the end God will judge us for everything we have done, even the things which we thought were secret.  

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