July 17 2020 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Proverbs 29-31.

The final three chapters of the Book of Proverbs consists of the conclusion of the proverbs of Solomon collected by King Hezekiah, the sayings of Agur (about whom we know nothing aside from these sayings, and who might not be an actual person), and the sayings of King Lemuel (about whom we also know nothing other than what is said here).

In the group of collected proverbs attributed to Solomon, there is a theme that tells us that the stability and well-being of a society and nation depends upon the people, and their government, being godly, righteous, and just.  When a society and/or its government become dominated by the wicked, justice disappears and the society will become unstable and fall.

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