July 14, 2019 Bible Study — Plan Before You Act, And Get Advice Before You Plan

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Proverbs 18-21.

I love reading Proverbs, but dislike trying to figure out what to write about them.  Today’s passage continues to remind us of the importance of choosing our words with care.  It extends that care to our actions as well.  The wise think and plan before they act.  The writer also reminds us that enthusiastically pursuing a project without knowing what you are doing benefits no one.  Hurrying leads to mistakes.  Take the time to do the project right.

The writer also revisits another theme from yesterday: the wise embrace correction and discipline while the foolish reject it.  He expands on this theme in two directions.  Offer discipline and correction to wise people in order for them to get better and wiser, but punish the foolish to change the behavior of others.  Speak in private to those who take correction to heart.  Punish in public those who do not respond to such discipline.  The writer also tells us that the wise seek correction and advice. 

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