July 12 ,2016 Bible Study — Whose Invitation Will We Accept? Wisdom or Folly?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Proverbs 9-13.

    Wisdom and Folly both call to us. They invite everyone in. It is up to us which of their invitations to accept. The wicked and the mocker reject rebuke and correction. Wisdom tells us to learn good judgment and to accept correction. Folly tells us that illicit pleasures are best. Having introduced us to Wisdom and Folly, the writer goes on with a list of proverbs which tell us what each of them teach us. There are many different points, but one which the writer keeps harping on is that the wise listen to advice and embrace those who tell them when they do wrong. It is foolish to think that you do not need advice and even worse to get angry at those who tell you that you are wrong. Listen to those who criticize your actions, even when you are sure you are right. Even when the criticism is unfounded you may be able to learn from it.


    Another point which the writer stresses is that the wise use words carefully. They do not feel the need to convince others of their knowledge. The foolish on the other hand are quick to speak, convinced that their words will make others love them. The wise use their words to build others up, the fool uses his words to destroy even his friends. The fool thinks he can become great by making others look bad. The wise speak honestly and without deception. The fool tries to advance himself with deception and lies. The fool will be trapped by his words because he used them poorly. The wise will not face that problem because his words were truthful and uplifting.

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