July 1, 2017 Bible Study — Our Time Is Short, Let Us Spend It Praising the Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Psalms 90-97.

    Before I get into writing about today’s passage, I want to stress the importance of reading the Bible for yourself. Do not just take what I, or anyone else, writes as your devotional. Read the passage and allow God’s Spirit to speak to you through it. Today’s psalms begin with one which reminds us that our days are numbered. We only have a limited amount of time to serve the Lord on this earth. We need a sense of urgency about accomplishing things in this life because all too soon our time on this earth will be over. Let the fear of the Lord inspire us to act while we still have time. However, we should not live our lives in fear, either of God or anything else. The psalmist goes on to tell us that if we put our trust in God He will protect us. These two psalms go together. The first telling us that we do not have much time to accomplish things in this life. The second one telling us we need not fear stepping out to perform God’s will because He has our back.

    I like how a psalm warning against doing evil is sandwiched in between several calling on us to sing and make music praising the Lord (and trust me, if you have ever heard me sing you would realize that that is not redundant). I will sing and attempt to make music praising God because He has made me glad. Yes, part of what God has done which makes me glad is the way in which He has brought judgment on those who do evil. I also praise God for the times He has disciplined me for my sins, discipline which has taught me to change my ways. I will sing to the Lord and declare His glory. I will proclaim my faith in Him in front of and too those who will mock me for doing so.

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