January 29, 2021 Bible Study What Is The Meaning Of The Veil Which Moses Wore?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 33-35.

We generally use the terms “Tent of Meeting” and “Tabernacle” interchangeably.  Yet, in this passage, the Tent of Meeting is described as existing before the Tabernacle was built.  However, we also know that later the Tabernacle was often referred to as the Tent of Meeting.  To the best of my knowledge it is never made clear when the Tabernacle replaced the tent which Moses initially used as the Tent of Meeting.  The change may have taken place as soon as the Tabernacle was consecrated, but I suspect that it happened after Moses began delegating the bulk of the task of judging disputes to others.

Whenever Moses spoke with God it caused his face to become radiant for some time period afterwards.  In fact, the radiance caused the people to be afraid to come near him.  As a result, Moses wore a veil over his face except when he went in to speak with God and while he was telling the people what God had told him.  I see a lesson here which I am striving to figure out how to express.  When we discuss what we perceive to be God’s message to people, we should do so face to face, with no disguises and nothing hidden.  However, when we find ourselves among those whose lifestyles we disapprove, we should not be constantly expressing our disapproval.  I really wish I could express that better.

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