January 27, 2021 Bible Study Seeking What Is Best For All Impacted By Our Decisions

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Exodus 28-29.

Today’s passage is another one of those which cause my eyes to glaze over.  I know people who make sermons from the description of the priestly garments, and I admire them for that.  One problem with the fact that my eyes glaze over as I read this detailed description is that I miss things.  Today was the first time I realized that the breast piece which Aaron was to wear whenever he entered the Most Holy Place was the “breast piece for making decisions.”  That fact, for me, changes the significance of the twelve names of Jacob’s sons being on it.  When God was being consulted for a decision, those seeking God’s guidance were reminded that they represented the entire nation as they made decisions.  In the same way when we seek God’s guidance in making a decision we need to remember that others are effected by what we decide.  When we make a decision we must remember to seek what is best for all who are impacted by that decision, not just what is best for ourselves.

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