January 27, 2019 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 28-29.

We have here a description of the clothing which Aaron, and his successors as high priest, was to wear when he offered sacrifices to God.  The names of Jacob’s twelve sons were to be engraved on two onyx stones where were to be fastened to the shoulders of the ephod (a sort of apron).  In addition, twelve gemstones representing the twelve sons of Jacob were to be attached to a chestpiece which Aaron was to wear.  Each gemstone was to have one of the names of Jacob’s sons engraved on it.  Both of these engravings of the names of Jacon’s sons was to remind Aaron, and each of his successors, that he represented the people when he went before God.  The very garments which marked Aaron as separate and special were designed to remind him that his calling was to serve the people, not himself.

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