January 27, 2016 Bible Study — Priests Intercede With God On Behalf of Their Fellow Man

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 28-29.

    The passage goes into great detail about how the garments which Aaron, the high priest, was to be dressed in. These garments served two purposes. The first purpose was to set Aaron apart from the rest of the people. When people saw Aaron wearing this garment, they saw him as their high priest who interceded with God for them. The second purpose these garments served was to remind Aaron, and his successors, that he represented all of the people of Israel. He did not just represent the Levites, or even just the elites. He represented all of the people.


    The passage goes on to describe the ceremony and sacrifices for the ordination of Aaron and his sons. This ceremony, and the accompanying sacrifices, was designed to convey to Aaron and his sons the solemnity and seriousness of their roles as priests interceding with God on behalf of the people. In both portions of this, there were just a couple of people, Aaron and his sons, who were to become the priests and intercede with God on behalf of the rest. Jesus has made all who believe in Him priests. It is our job to intercede with God for everyone else. This is a solemn and serious job. One which I forget is mine all too often. It is not my job to condemn those who have failed to turn to God. It is my job to intercede with God and request that He pour out His Holy Spirit upon them.

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