January 21, 2020 Bible Study — People Pay the Price For the Stubbornness and Pride of Their Leaders

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.  

Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 10-12.

I want to highlight Moses anger when he left Pharaoh’s presence for the last time.  Throughout the Bible we are warned against giving in to our anger.  However, sometimes that anger is justified.  In this case Moses’ anger was justified and appropriate.  Pharaoh had repeatedly agreed to let the people of Israel go, only to renege on that agreement when the crisis passed.  As a result, the people of Egypt, who had had no say in any of this, were about to pay a steep price.  Pharaoh had backed himself into a corner.  Pharaoh’s power was based on the idea that he was the embodiment of the gods of Egypt.  If he had let the people go after the frogs or the gnats, he could have passed it off as Moses had demonstrated that he was the representative of a god other than the gods of Egypt and he let them go to avoid a war among the gods.  However, after refusing to let them go then, he made it so that when he did let them go he was conceding that God was more powerful than the gods of Egypt.  Moses anger resulted from knowing that many innocent people were going to pay the price for Pharaoh’s stubbornness.  All too many leaders make the same mistake as Pharaoh out of stubbornness and pride, and those they should be serving end up paying the price.

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