January 14, 2021 Bible Study Doing God’s Will, Even When Suffering Unjustly

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Genesis 39-41.

If anyone had the right to give up because “God”, or “the world”, or “fate”, was against them, that person was Joseph.  He was his father’s favorite son and worked to please his father.  Then his brothers plotted to kill him, but decided to sell him into slavery instead.  But he did not mope and complain about his circumstances.  Instead, he worked hard and rose to a position of responsibility and privilege.  Then he was falsely accused of attempted rape and jailed.  Again, he could have despaired, but he did not.  He applied himself and once more rose to a position of responsibility and privilege.  The thing is, each time the level to which he rose was lower than the one which he held before his trial.  Yet, he still remained faithful to God.  In this last position he gave hope to a fellow prisoner, asking to be remembered when the other was released.  The other prisoner was released and failed to remember Joseph for two years.  When Joseph’s opportunity came, he refused to claim any special ability.  He gave all of the credit to God.  Let us seek to follow Joseph’s example and recognize that whatever hardship we face is an opportunity to do God’s will.

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