February 4, 2020 Bible Study — The Value of Strict Dietary Rules

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 10-12.

Yesterday I wrote that a process of dedication like the ordination which Aaron and his sons went through can make people more determined to do things the right way.  Today’s passage starts off by demonstrating that it does not always do so.  Despite going through the somber, serious process of ordination decided that they could take a shortcut to the proper procedures.  So, a dedication/ordination service does not in and of itself prepare us to do the Lord’s work.  We still need to put in effort to get things right.

The passage goes on to describe what animals the Israelites were allowed to eat.  While Christians do not follow these dietary laws, we have recently been reminded why it is a bad idea to eat anything you can lay your hands upon by the outbreak of the coranavirus from Wuhan, China.  While there are other theories about the origins of this infectious agent, currently the most likely theory is that it jumped from one of the animal species sold for food in the markets of Wuhan, markets which are known for selling as food animals no one outside of Asia, and few outside of China, would consider eating.  A similar thing happened in 2002 from a different part of China.  The rules laid out in this passage provide an easy to remember set of rules which limit your diet to things which have little to no risk of making you sick. 

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