February 29, 2020 Bible Study — Feed the Poor and Keep the Sabbath Holy

I usually use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.  However, since this is a leap year, they do not have a reading for today.  So, I did a little searching  and chose Isaiah 58:9-14 for my reading for today.


I love how this passage stresses taking personal responsibility for addressing the wrong which you see.  “Stop pointing fingers and feed the hungry.”  It is not my job to blame others for oppression.  I should just help those in trouble, not blame others for their trouble.  If we follow this advice, God will guide us in all that we do and provide for our needs.  Interestingly, the passage links keeping the Sabbath holy with feeding the hungry and helping the poor.  One day out of seven we should fully dedicate to honoring God rather than pursuing our own interests.  I am not sure how it works, but we will be better at feeding the poor and helping those in trouble if we refuse to do work, or business one day out of seven.

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