February 25, 2019 Bible Study — Working Through Misunderstandings

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 32-33.

As the people of Israel prepared to cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land, the tribes of Reuben and Gad realized that the land which they had just conquered east of the Jordan was perfect for their livestock.  So, they asked Moses if they could have that land as their inheritance, rather than land on the other side of the Jordan River.  Moses was concerned that their request was based on the same fear that had led the previous generation to resist entering the Promised Land.  Rather than be offended by Moses’ assumption that they were trying to shirk their duty to their countrymen, the representatives of Reuben and Gad explained their thinking.  They made it clear that they intended to assist the other tribes in conquering the land west of the Jordan River.  They recognized that Moses’ questions were a valid conclusion from their request and addressed his concerns.  Both sides of this handled the misunderstanding correctly.  Moses explained why he was concerned with their request, then listened when they clarified.  The tribes heard Moses concern and understood why he thought that, explaining that was not what they wished.

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