February 19, 2017 Bible Study –What Are Our Motives When We Question Leadership?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 16-18.

    We tend to have this view of the people of Israel being led through the wilderness by God and Moses with only the occasional questioning of Moses’ leadership. We know this is not true if we actually read the accounts given in the Bible, but it generally does not sink in. It is clear that the people of Israel had the same jockeying for position that happens in any large organization. From time to time, various people acquired a power base and attempted to usurp leadership over the Israelites from Moses. The sin of Korah and his followers was not that they questioned Moses’ leadership. Their sin was that they did not seek God’s guidance before they did so. They did not oppose Moses because they believed that he was leading them in a direction contrary to God’s will. They opposed Moses because they wanted the people of Israel to follow their lead rather than his.

    This passage is a warning to us today about examining our motives when we question Church leadership. Do we question Church leadership because we genuinely believe that God’s will for the Church is other than the direction those leaders are leading? Or, are we questioning Church leadership because we think that we deserve to be in their position in their place? If we truly follow God’s direction and He intends for us to be leaders among His people, He will cause those He intends to follow our lead to follow us.

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