February 16, 2016 Bible Study — Serving God Is a Privilege to Be Sought, Not an Obligation to Be Avoided

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 8-10.

    When time came to celebrate the Second Passover a group of men was ceremonially unclean, which meant that they could not celebrate the Passover. However, they wanted to celebrate the Passover, so they asked Moses what they should do. Moses consulted God and came back with the following answer. Those who were unable to celebrate the Passover at the appointed time, either because they are ceremonially unclean or because they are traveling, must celebrate the Passover one month later. This was not permission to put off celebrating the Passover because it was inconvenient. It was a special case allowing those who were unable to celebrate at the appointed time to do so at another time. The key to understanding this was that the men who came forward actively sought to celebrate the Passover. Not only did they not take advantage of the opportunity to bypass their obligation to partake in the Passover ceremony, they actively sought some sort of exception whereby they could do so. In other words, they did not view the Passover as an obligation they were bound to perform. Instead they viewed celebrating the Passover as a privilege they desired to perform. Let us have a similar attitude towards the things God calls on us to do.

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