February 13, 2020 Bible Study — Counting Those Who Would Serve God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Numbers 3-4.

In this passage we have a reference back to the first Passover while the Israelites were still in Egypt.  The first born sons of the Egyptians all died, while the first born sons of the Israelites were spared.  As a result, God claims the first born sons as His.  However, it was impractical to separate out the first born sons from all of Israel to be dedicated to serving God.  So, God designated the Levites as substitutes for the first born sons of the rest of Israel.  Which brings to an interesting thing.  The number twelve was important to the Israelites, but Jacob had adopted Joseph’s two sons as his own, substituting the two of them for Joseph, bringing the total number of tribes to thirteen.  Now the Levites are set aside to serve God as His chosen tribe, creating something analogous to when Jesus, God’s Chosen One, selected the Twelve Apostles.

When Moses had counted the other tribes, he counted all males 20 years old and older.  However, when he counted the Levites he counted all males one month old and older.  The difference was the purpose for which they were being counted.  The men of the other tribes were being counted to identify who could fight for the people of Israel, while the Levites were being counted to identify who could serve the Lord.

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