February 11, 2021 Bible Study It Is Never Too Late To Repent Of Our Sins

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 26-27.

We can learn a lot about what it means to be faithful to God’s commands by seeing how the blessings for being obedient correspond to the curses for disobedience.  If we faithfully obey God, the land will be productive and produce more than enough food to feed us.  If we break God’s commands, the land will become ever more unproductive and famine will come upon us.  If we faithfully obey God, we will live in peace, even the wildlife will leave us in peace.  If we refuse to be faithful, we will beset by wild beasts and then by foreign enemies.  As we are faithful to God, the environment around us will become more and more hospitable to us.  As we rebel against Him, the opposite will happen.  At any time, if we confess our sins, turn to God, and make amends for our wrongdoing, God will reverse the trend of destruction which He began visiting upon us for our sin.  It is never too late for people to turn to God.

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