December 7, 2016 Bible Study — To Him Who Is Able to Do Immeasurably More Than We Can Ask Or Imagine

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ephesians 1-3.

    Another passage with much more than I would try to cover in this daily blog. Paul starts off by writing that God has a plan to, in the fullness of time, unite everything under Christ. As part of that plan He has chosen us, not only did God choose us, He did so in advance. Further, God makes everything work together according to His plan.
    Paul then describes his reaction to learning about the believers in Ephesus. He immediately thanked God for them and started praying for them. I know that I fall far short on this one. From the time he first heard of them until the time he wrote this letter, and beyond, Paul prayed that God would give them wisdom and insight so that they would grow in their knowledge of God.


    We were all dead because of our disobedience and sin. We followed the cravings, thoughts and desires of our sinful flesh which made us fully deserving of God’s wrath. However, as much as we deserved God’s wrath, He gave us life when He raised Jesus from the dead. We can take no credit for what God has done. We have been united with everyone who believes in the death and resurrection of Jesus. Let us remember that we were outsiders who God brought into His family. Now, all are invited into God’s family to live in unity in god’s love. God has chosen to use us to build a Temple for Himself with Jesus as the cornerstone.


    As we embrace the unity which God has given us we can enter His presence with confidence, not because of our great worth but because of God’s grace. God will empower us through His Spirit to understand how all encompassing God’s love is, even though it is too great for us to fully understand. We can only begin to comprehend it by experiencing it. As Paul writes, God is not only able to do more than we can ask or imagine, He is able to do so by a magnitude that we cannot comprehend.

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